Sunday, 11 October 2009

Look, a photo!

Nothing new to add from the last post. Classes and extra-curricular activities were normal and pleasant. The latter were the usual going out for a beer, going to see the town, doing groceries, pyjama party. Normal student life.

For the weekend I rented a camera from the staff association. The weather did not coperate yesterday, though, and today the internet is refusing to do any serious uploading, so I leave you with only one photo of the old part of Heidelberg, as seen from the other bank of the river. Click on it to go to see it bigger. Enjoy!

Heidelberg from across the Neckar


  1. That looks awesome! Realy nice photo.
    Have i heard right?! Pyjama party?! LOL xD

    Have fun!

    Patrícia Espada
